The reason behind why I have no new work to show you.


I started the year off with a passion for making extraordinary lamps. All through January, I was throwing and coiling them into existence; and had a nice batch made when I slipped a disc just after my birthday in early February. If you haven't experienced this, it's like taking a step and having someone hit your leg with a switch for moving forward. I couldn't put weight on my right leg and needed a cane to walk. Getting pain medication was like climbing Mt Everest, and I finally ended up at a neurosurgeon's office. I didn't need surgery or an MRI, just someone who understood my pain and a potent anti-inflammatory. Life got a bit better. I could now carry work from the studio to the kiln. But by now, it's the end of February.

A batch of bisque lamp bases ready for decoration and glaze.

Bisque lamp bases waiting for decoration and glazing.

My favorite new color combination of brick red and glossy aqua.

The whole month of February seemed to get lost in doctor, physical therapy, and chiropractor appointments. I've never been a big fan of getting high, but I've discovered CBD oil, and at one point, when the pain was too much to bear, I took a hefty dose. Laying on the floor, the only comfortable position, my mind could leave my painful body and float around the house. That was amazing.

By the time my back healed, I had been inactive enough for my knees to seize up from arthritis. These last two months have been such a barrel of fun and an authentic look into the joys of getting older. I'm sure my experience isn't unique to me, and many of you already know pain is physically and mentally exhausting. The icing on the cake this week was when my husband (I know I'm throwing him under the bus) asked, "When are we going to Asheville? Don't you need to deliver that lamp order?"

Regardless, the kiln gods have blessed me with a few beautiful pieces, and here they are. These particular ones are on their way to the gallery in Asheville, but new editions are coming in the next several weeks.

This vase (about 17” tall) is an ode to Viva Magenta, 2023 color of the year, hot pink and deep plum. Another color combination I’ll be using again.

Lamp bases to be. These are about 14" tall. Look for some funky color combinations to come. I've got a glut of glaze I'm trying to use up. It's safer for the environment to fire than dispose of them.