Imagination and Growth Create Happiness; I'm Exploring my Inner Sculptress

Marina's garden in transition from Spring to Summer foliage.
Lustrous green vase with pale gold poppies by ceramic artist Marina Bosetti

Green Gold Vases, 10” and 8” tall.

I don't know about your garden, but mine is in transition. It's beautifully green, and while the spring blooms are fading, the summer color of cone flowers, black-eyed susans, and gladiolas are coming up. And I'm there, too, in transition—after two fabulous shows, meeting new customers, seeing an array of fantastic art and artists, and connecting and reconnecting with folks. I'm ready to return to the studio and put my hands in clay.

It'll include work for the outdoors, lamps (I've heavily invested in lamp parts and shades), and I want to build an inventory of birdhouses. I'm always here for your tile needs. I'm just going to spend some time exploring my inner sculptress. I also want to spend some time exploring alternative surface decorations. I'll keep you posted on the progress, and I look forward to showcasing a new body of work for the fall.

Black-eyed Susans floating lightly in the night wind. Butterscotch yellow coneflowers on a midnight blue.

Framed 8” tile, two 5” vases, and a framed 4” tile tryptic, all with butterscotch yellow cone flowers on a midnight blue background.

The studio has an array of lovely lamps, vases, and tiles, all with dancing gardens in stunning colors—excellent for wedding or anniversary gifts. You're always welcome to visit, shop, or chat, but text ahead to ensure I'm here. Or make an appointment.

A lamp, framed tile, and vase with red poppies on a golden background by ceramic artist Marina Bosetti.

Brillant red poppies and shiny green leaves on a golden background. Lamp 20” tall, framed 8” tile, and 10” tall vase.

A lamp, tile, and two vases decorated with pink poppies on a watery aqua background by ceramic artist Marina Bosetti.

Pink poppies on a watery aqua background, lamp 20”, framed 12” tile, 11” and 7.5” tall vases.