Flowers and Clay For Mother's Day

Freshly thrown pots by Marina Bosetti, sitting on a chair, drying in the sunlight.

Pots drying in the sun outside the studio.

This week I've been happily potting away; I'd kinda forgotten the simple pleasure of making pots for the joy of making. Throwing the clay, letting it roll and lift through my fingers, watching the pieces grow taller as I practiced. Pouring the glaze into bisque ware, swirling it around, and controlling the flow as the interior is coated. It's magical in the quiet studio with the sun streaming through the windows. The exterior patterns I usually do with wax resist are so intensive. It was a lovely and beautifully productive week.

Studio mates Marina, Em, and Liz.

Celebrate Mother's Day with the potters on Lenoir Street. Marina Bosetti Art Tile, Em of Muddy Slug Pottery, and Liz Kelly Pottery. We're having a Flowers & Clay Event. Vases, fresh and locally grown flowers, pottery lamps, art tiles, mugs, and other handmade gifts will be available. It's all happening Saturday,🌷May 13th, the day before Mother's Day. From 1-5 PM, 1201 W Lenoir St, in historic Boylan Heights.

I’ve been playing with putting handles on the vases. The handles create opportunities for the glazes to shine, creating happy surprises when you open the kiln.

Vase with my sea world blue glaze.

Squish plates made by Marina Bosetti's students.

While you’re at the studio you can check out the plates we make in the plate class. Sign up for a class and make your own!