How to Overcome Toxic Mindsets With One Simple Phrase


“Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy -- they're given after all. Choices can be hard.” – Jeff Bezos

Studio Wall

We’ve all been in a group, ideas are being put forward, and a decision needs to be made. Who makes the decision? What about the folks whose idea isn’t supported. A vote makes the decision. Now, how do you get the nays on board? Jeff Bezos has a three-word phrase to do just that: disagree and commit.

I read about the idea in his 2016 Letter to Shareholders, where he describes his process for decision making. Maybe you have a business and would like to read about his process. But, many of us are spending crazy amounts of time with the same people. Trapped in bubbles and routines, going round in the same safe circles. When interactions with my studio mates hurt me or when my actions hurt one of them, I keep this phrase in mind and remind myself that these are people I love and share my life with. I'm committed to their happiness, regardless if we disagree. Let's give each other the benefit of the doubt and recognize we're all doing the best we can in crazy and stressful times.
