Customers ask, "How long did it take to make that?"


Customers always ask, and artists dread to answer, "How long did it take?" It's a tricky question to answer. Rarely do clay people work on one piece at a time. I usually work on several pieces simultaneously, spending two weeks doing the clay work and twice as much time glazing it.

Right now the sculptures are located at one end of the terrace and the mural at the other. Once the furniture has arrived I’m hoping they’ll be placed with the mural.

I needed to be accountable to the foundation that hired me for my recent mural commission for the Rex Cancer Center. I kept track of how long the project took and added up the hours. I thought you might want to see this glimpse into time spent working on such a hefty commission. Check this out:


  • 32 hours testing new colors and doing color sketches

  • 48 hours tile making

  • 256 hours drawing and glazing

  • 24 hours creating and glazing the mural border


  • 10 hours throwing the bowls/bases

  • 8 hours trimming

  • 64 hours drawing and glazing the bowls

  • 24 hours making the plates

  • 8 hours trimming

  • 8 hours to glaze the plates

  • 160 hours to make the pedestals

  • 96 hours drawing and glazing the pedestals

  • 64 hours to make the birdhouses

  • 40 hours to glaze the birdhouses

  • 10 hours of loading kilns, recycling clay and mixing glazes

  • 8 hours to ready the pieces for installations and to install

Total Hours = 860

The mural with the handmade trim pieces.

Now that the project is complete, I'm ready for a break. I've got a mini-vacation planned for next week and a real vacation scheduled for the end of April. I'm still planning on doing a shop update at the end of March, so if you're not following my work on Instagram, you can follow me here, or I'll be posting updates weekly to my newsletter; you can sign up at the bottom of this page.