I've a Big Surprising Secret to Share, That Will Make You Happy for Me.


I've gotten my first public art commission! I've been in a pool of artists nominated to do works for new Rex Hospitals for a few years now. I'm delighted to share with you that I've signed the contract for my first public work of art.

This is the building from Macon Pond Rd. When you’re on the terrace you’ll be looking out into old growth trees. It’s very restful. The mural won’t be on the exterior wall of the building but on the wall to the right.

This is the building from Macon Pond Rd. When you’re on the terrace you’ll be looking out into old growth trees. It’s very restful. The mural won’t be on the exterior wall of the building but on the wall to the right.

The project is for the future Rex Cancer Center. I'm creating four pieces: one 4' x 6' mural and three colorful pedestals topped with birdhouses. My work was selected for its happy demeanor, and the pieces are going on the third-floor terrace to provide cheer and encourage patients after therapy. The site is at the corner of Macon Pond and Blue Ridge roads.

The mural will be Raleigh-centric, focusing on our city's flora and fauna. It will also feature our state's motifs; cardinals, bees, dogwoods, and maybe a pine tree. I've already got a giant oak in there with some super charming squirrels being squirrely. The more I work on it, the more excited I get. I want to include birds in flight and rest, with hope and peace being its central feeling.

Last weekend I took a trip to the sunflower field at Dix for research.

Last weekend I took a trip to the sunflower field at Dix for research.

The pedestals will expand on themes from the mural. The base will have ground cover, the middle piece will feature a tree, and the houses perched on top will be for different birds. I've got five in progress but want to nail the mural design before glazing them. I'm feeling quite inspired. If I can make it to Wednesday when the air conditioner person comes to fix it, I'll be right as rain.

This venture is why I'm working larger and staying home this summer. I am thrilled to have this project, and I'm delighted that my work will be in the cancer center. I lost my mother to cancer when I was sixteen. As someone who helps her customers create personal and meaningful spaces, having my work there makes it significant to me.