How to Make Your Backsplash a Collection of Love

These two were adopted and rescued last summer.

These two were adopted and rescued last summer.

Not every kitchen backsplash I do is a mural. Some projects are small and charming, like this one from Colorful Concepts designer Sally Willams. The tile project will be eight tiles featuring the homeowner's two ginger cats, a cardinal, and a rabbit, with coneflowers, poppies, and dogwoods—familiar, simple, and well-loved motifs. When I start glazing a custom order, questions will come to mind, and I usually need a conversation with the client. While answering my questions, the customer referred to the red she wanted as garnet, and I said, "Ooh, I've got a new red that's exactly that." See for yourself.

I wish I were showing you a picture of the tiles installed, but that will have to wait. Like everything in the pandemic, there's more need than services; it'll be a few months before installation. The customer picked her tiles up Saturday morning. She loved her collection of love.

Sally plans to pair my art tiles with cream-colored field tiles bordered by brown/black accent tiles.

Sally plans to pair my art tiles with cream-colored field tiles bordered by brown/black accent tiles.

In honor of Memorial Day here are some red poppies.
