It's Exasperating When You're the Kink in the Supply Chain


By now, you've all heard stories about supply chain issues and the need to think ahead and early for your Christmas purchases. Usually, I start thinking about Christmas at the end of August and start production in September. Because I'm spending most of the Fall working on the Rex project, I'm getting a late start to the season, and I realized I'm the kink in my supply chain.

The new design has wire loops making hanging easier, no fussy ribbons.

The new design has wire loops making hanging
easier, no fussy ribbons.

I still have three sculptures to complete for the project. Because they involve birdhouses, I'll have some new houses for you as well. Tis the season for ornaments; a new design and unique patterns are coming your way. I'm eager to get back to creating lamps and vases. Vessels are the best for getting your pottery groove back after a stint of tilemaking. I don't have a photo of the finished Rex Mural yet. Please come by the studio Friday, October 15th, from 5 pm to 8 pm, or Saturday, October 16th, 2021, from 10 am till 3 pm to view the finished mural. FYI: I won’t be posting a picture of the finished mural until the Rex Cancer Center is ready to unveil it.

Here’s a peek at a a section of the top left quadrant, pulled from the kiln last week. I fired the last six tiles Sunday night. Alas, a thermocouple blew and the firing didn’t reach temperature. A new thermocouple is on the way, but boy was I disappointed Monday morning when I saw the error code on the kiln’s electronic display.

Here’s a peek at a a section of the top left quadrant, pulled from the kiln last week. I fired the last six tiles Sunday night. Alas, a thermocouple blew and the firing didn’t reach temperature. A new thermocouple is on the way, but boy was I disappointed Monday morning when I saw the error code on the kiln’s electronic display.