Want to See What Amazing Things Happen When You Work Like Mad?


I’ve been creating like mad this month; two hundred ornaments, six birdhouses, two lamp bases, two pedestals, and four coiled vases. I’m going to slow down on the making and ramp up the glazing.

Bisque Birdhouses and recently finished coil pots

The studio’s morning light combined with the quiet neighborhood make it the perfect place to sit with something hot and plan the day.

For the Rex Hospital Project, I am finishing the three pedestals topped with a birdhouse. Although I haven't started to glaze them, I've been working on them in my mind and have a clear vision of how I want them to look. The base will be flowers and maybe some animals, the pedestal will be a tree, then a carved flower platform finished with a birdhouse that'll repeat the flowers from the bottom.

Sculptures in Process

Pedestals in progress, most of the parts are made, the glazing will begin soon. I deliver to the hospital in December. The base with the pedistals are 27”-30” tall.

Also in progress are some lamp bases, I’ve sold a bunch this year and really want to make more.

I’ve painted the clay white with underglaze, a ceramic product that comes in many colors usually used under white or clear glazes. These will be glazed amber which would fire brown without the underglaze.

This year's ornaments will be less complicated than last year. After finishing the mural and working on the pedestals, I wanted to make something clean and simple. Thus far, I've completed some gold ones, and soon to be fired are some blue and white ones that will get gold decals of bees and butterflies. These will also cost less than the quilt-inspired ornaments I did last year. By the way, someone swept into the studio on Tuesday and bought all of the cardinals ornaments from last year. All this doing is a lot, exhausting and always exciting. Happy Fall.